So, my pregnancy is slowly passing! I have pregnancy induced carpal tunnel syndrome which makes my hands and fingers numb and achey all the time. I also have terrible pain in my sciatica that has not been helped by seeing a chiropractor! YAY for me! Through all this I'm working full time. Although this pregnancy is much more dificult than my last one I have to say I am a lot less nervous this time around! I had a Dr's appt on Thrusday and she said everything looks like it's going great! Chloe weighs in around 4 pounds now and is moving a ton! My Dr talked to me about getting induced which I am more than likely going to do this time around. We are delivering at Davis so it would be a drive when I do go into labor and I kind of want to be ready for it so I can drop Alyssa off and get to the hospital on time. Plus I am just plain miserable and defintiely won't mind having Chloe a week early! Anibal and Alyssa can't wait for her to be here! Alyssa doesn't understand how little Chloe will be and keeps asking me if they will be able to play outside together! haha she's going to be such a wonderful big sister! Anibal is thrilled and nervous at the same time. He will be a wonderful Dad though...he already is with Alyssa! Anyway, please wish me luck during my last 7 weeks!!!
YAY! I'm so excited for you! I'm so sorry you are having such a hard pregnancy. But hang in there! You're almost done! Love ya!
Oh gosh, please dont pop! Hee Hee
You look so good being prego. Look at your tiny, little arms. How is everything going?
I do wish you luck! I am sorry things have been so hard! Your pictures sure look cute!
Thanks, I really miss having you girls around. I sure wish I would have spent more time with you when you were close. I love you all!
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