Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Spring!

I know I don't post enough but I have three adorable but time consuming little girls :-) Here are some updated pictures of them.

They are growing up so fast! Brooklyn is 6 months old, Chloe is 2 and a half, and Alyssa just turned 8! Can you believe it? They are learning new things everyday and it's amazing to watch them grow and change right before my eyes.

Anibal and I just celebrated our 6 year anniversary last weekend! It's so amazing to have my best friend as my Husband. We have a lot of fun together and always will.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Brooklyn is here!

Brooklyn Rose was born at 5:52Pm on November 4th. she was 7lbs 10 ounces and 20 and a half inches long. The labor and delivery went very well and my awesome Dr was able to get Brookyln's cord from around her neck right away, so there were no problems due to that. She had jaundice pretty bad so we had to stay two nights at the hopsital but other than that she is doing great! Besides all of us being sick with colds things have gone really well. Anibal is awesome as always and helps me so much. Alyssa is also a big helper. Chloe...loves her new baby Sister but doesn't quite understand she has to be gentle. We're working on it though and I'm sure she'll understand soon. I am back to work and it has been very hard. I miss her so much and feel so awful that I had to leave her so soon. She is already 10.5 lbs! She's a good eater lol. She is starting to be awake for longer periods and that is really fun. She is such a calm baby! She hardly ever cries and is the only one out of all my girls that loves bath time! She just lays there and kicks her cute legs. Life is grand!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thursday's the big day!

So things have been really really crazy the last few weeks. Anibal is getting over a sinus infection, I'm getting over bronchitis and ear infections and poor Chloe is getting over this nasty virus that caused all these blisters in her throat and left her with a terrible cough! Alyssa somehow hasn't gotten sick yet (knock on wood). I think Chloe is starting to realize things are going to change. She has become a Mommy's girl which has been really hard! I love it, don't get me wrong but she wants to be held constantly and with my big old belly it's very hard! She also won't let Anibal do the things he used to do...mommy has to do them now. I'm really worried about how she'll react to a new little sister.

At my appointment last Thursday my Dr found during the non-stress test and the ultrasound that baby has managed to get her cord wrapped around her neck. My Dr told me to make sure she stays as active as she's always been, and luckily she has been. I am terrifed of something going wrong and her not being able to be born naturally. I know if I have to get a c-section it will be the best option for her health but it's a scary thing to think about. We just need lots of prayers that the birth isn't too much stress for her. I will be going in Thursday morning at 6:45 to get induced. I will update soon after! Love you all.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Well hello there!

Chloe in her new dress...but with messy hair :-)

Alyssa and Chloe playing outside

I really need to start posting more often! Time is flying by. Life has been really really hectic lately. I started a new job in March working for the cell phone manufacturer LG and I really love it. I work with some awesome people and get to help people out which is always nice. Anibal started a different job that is opposite my schedule. I work 7-4 he works 2:30pm-1AM. It makes things really hard because we don't see each other fully awake until Friday. Plus, I'm getting pretty big now that I only have 2 months of my pregnancy left. that makes it hard to come home and take care of both the girls by myself...especially with Chloe wanting me to pick her up all the time. But I am excited for baby to get here and for us to get into a schedule. I only get 3 weeks off work which will also be hard but you gotta do what you gotta do right?

Chloe and Alyssa are doing great! They are growing up so fast! Alyssa just started the 2nd grade on Wednesday and she has a great teacher this year and as long as she can start focusing her attention on the right things I think she will do great. Everyone says she looks just like a mini-me lol, I love it. Chloe is definitely not a baby anymore. Her vocabulary is crazy! She started doing this thing where everytime she pees she takes her diaper off and brings it to me and says, "Change my bum", it was really funny at first but now I think it's time to buy her a potty and be done with diapers! She also finally says "I love you" all the time and asks for hugs. I love it. She has also learned, Mine, No, and Why....those are my not so favorite words. lol

Anibal and I are great. He has been working on getting his band set up. This is a dream he has always had and he found some old friends from high school that all have the same ambitions. So my basement is now their "Studio" which is okay for the most part and they actually sounds really good! Here is their website if you want to check it out, I don't think they have any demos up yet though. http://www.perishlane.com/

He is still my best friend and he makes me smile so much...I really don't know what I would do without him sometimes. He is a great Father and Husband and I am very grateful for him and all that he does.

For those that don't know about my pregnancy, we unexpectedly found out we were pregnant in March this year. We were definitely not trying and were taking precautions but baby decided to come anyway lol. We are having another girl :-) and she is due November 12th (the day before Chloe's Birthday). I'm hoping she'll come a little early so the girls can have their own Birthday's. I am 29 weeks and she is measuring a week a head which is awesome. So far I haven't really had any problems except really bad headaches and back pain. I have been really tired and am pretty scared about going from 2 kids to 3 but I know we will manage. Well there's my update! I can't think of anything else for now :-)

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Chloe opening her first present
Chloe with her cousins

Alyssa and Daddy

More presents

She's pretty excited


Christmas was wonderful this year! Chloe had a wonderful time playing with the tree, lights, and presents. Alyssa helped me make treats and decorate the house. She even had her very own miniature Christmas tree in her room this year. I love visiting family and talking for hours nd remembering how lucky I am to have a home, power and gas to warm it, food on the table, and a family to eat with. I am so grateful to have a wonderful loving family to share the
Holidays with. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year as well!

The girls are growing up so quickly. Alyssa is learning sign language and Spanish at school. She car read almost anything and is in a special reading group because she's doing so well. Chole is getting into everything lately! She is figuring things out at lightning speed. She has figured out how to open the cd rom drive and yesterday when I told her, "No, no Chloe", she said "No No!" back to me. haha gotta love it. Anibal and I are both doing well. I am still job hunting which is never fun but hopefully something will come along soon. I am going to try and start posting on here more often.